Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Best Meaning of HUMILITY....

"Humility is expecting nothing from mankind and looking to God to meet all our needs."

When I came across this quote from a book I borrowed from a friend, I jot it down because it's the best definition of humility I've ever read and heard. It's a humbling experience for me because as I assess my life, I must acknowledge that I'm quite proud. Most of the times, I would go on my own way without consulting God in my life's major decisions. I just rely on my instincts and convictions that my choice is good and will make me happy. It's not being humble whenever I expect other people to return the favor I've given them. I have no right to brag about any little act of kindness I've done because all those blessings came from God. I'm just an instrument in sharing God's benevolence to mankind and I'm not capable of doing it without His grace.

I felt humbled by this beautiful meaning of "HUMILITY."

There's a long way to go....more humbling experiences to help us transform into a more loving person God has intended us to be. We should never be weary in caring for others without expecting in return. We should have more of God's confidence in our life - for us to be meek and humble at heart.

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