Monday, June 30, 2008

Missing Magnolia....

Last night, Beteng, Milet and I went out for a delectable dinner at Don Henrico’s. After eating their special buffalo wings and onion rings, we decided to stay at Figaro for a cup of coffee and chitchat.

I could still recall during our younger years, we loved to drink and party a lot. Now, we're just coffee drinkers - clear sign that we're getting older.
We used to hang out at Soundstage, Sportzone, Tia Maria, Hard Rock Café, etc. Almost every weekend, we had gimmicks, and our regular buddy was – Jing. Among our close friends, Jing had the most number of pet names such as Aiko, Princess Punzalan, Tutti Fruity, Mining, Maya, Sweet Payumo, Carol Banawa, but the most popular was Magnolia dela Cruz – screen name of Ate Guy in one of her movies. Before Jing left for a job in New Jersey, we had a 4-day vacation at the beautiful Island of Pagudpod.

Our bestfriend, “Magnolia” now lives in Portland. We missed her so much! How I wish Jing could visit my website and enjoy looking back at our happy, old days together….

I signed up for PPP!

I do love to write. One of my dreams is to become a Hallmark card writer and to write a book that will touch the lives of many. In fact, I have a collection of thoughts which I kept for years. I’m thinking that maybe one day, I will have an opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings to others.

And that opportunity has come when my friend gave me an idea about blogging. At first, I’m just enjoying it – publishing my posts and uploading photos of my family and friends. I could not believe that I already have my own website. Then I asked some of my close friends to view my blog and I got some positive feedback.

It’s a different kind of fulfillment realizing that people from different parts of the world can connect with you. And I’ve met a number of friends on the web through blogging. There are some bloggers who are making a lot of money by writing about products and services through blog marketing. By visiting their sites, I learned about PayPerPost.

So I signed up for this blog marketing and got approved in less than five hours. And now, I’m ready to post my first blog as a bonafide PayPerPost member. Aside from fulfilling my dream of sharing my thoughts to the world, I’ve also discovered a rewarding hobby. It's about time to pursue my real passion and enjoy the benefits of getting paid for a good job. With the extra earnings, I'm pretty sure that it will go a long way.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Don't Quit

Many times I fell...

but I rose and will rise again and again

who may not want an easy life -

a world free of troubles

The cliche,"problems are spices of life,"

seems meaningless thinking of the pains

felt by the human heart.

Storms in life have come my way

and I've overcome them...

It's because of strength - a grace which

I'm always asking from My Friend above

and to believe that the "only real failure

is to quit" enables me to continue live

and help live....

This was written in 1991. One of my first few compositions manually written in my notebook diary entitled "In My Moods." Before, I do write but I just write when I'm in the mood...And now, I don't only write for my blog out of my mood, but it has become my way of life since I started...

I feel it's about time to share some of my thoughts and feelings that I kept for years...It's about time to connect with others....It's about time to follow my real passion....It's about time to tell the world that, "I do care." It's about time to thank "My Family and Friends." It's about time to use my God-given talent and make a difference...It's about time to bring back all the praise and glory to "My Friend" above - the only reason why I "Don't Quit."

Friday, June 27, 2008

A touching family story...

It happened March 29, 2004, eight days after my birthday....

The whole family we're just enjoying eating pizza for dinner....Suddenly, my sister Lala had difficulties in breathing...My mom and I were both hysterically shouting for help...I was praying so hard...

We rushed her into the nearest hospital and was given immediate care. And the diagnosis was overfeeding...It's funny but that incident has terrified all of us.

We're jampacked in the emergency room. My brother came over. Tita Precy, tita Helen, tita Lina, tito Jing and tita Amy were there, too.

My sister is really valuable to us. Thank God, we got over that trial...

We've been praying for Lala - her dream of becoming a doctor!
And now, her dream is already a reality! She's a blessing, indeed!

Happy Birthday Lala! We love you so much!

Happy Birthday LALA!

A treat from Tito Oscar and Tita Nellie, when Lala came home for a 5-day vacation. We enjoyed the fresh seafood at Dampa, Paranaque. An early birthday celebration - CHEERS!

More greetings via "Each Day Counts" - just click my link under My Blog, too!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thank you AILENE!

Hi bestfriend,

To someone who never fails to keep in touch, thank you so much!

At least, I'm more in touch with you now...knowing my moods! I admire you 'coz you always find time for your friends and you keep on attracting more.....

You are Ms. Congeniality ever!!!

I'm glad 'coz I have a loyal friend who regularly visits my blog and that's you!!!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


When I got home yesterday, my father asked me if I knew the word, "immiscible." He told me about my 10-year old cousin who gave him an idea of such word. My cousin said, "oil and water are immiscible or can't be mixed." Honestly, the word was strange to me and I can't recall that it was taught in any of my Science classes. Then I hastily searched through Google and found out that it does exist. With amazement, I just praised my cousin for introducing a new word to us.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thank You HARVEY!

Hi Harvz,

For all your words of encouragement, thank you so much!

You just don't know how happy I was whenever I could see visitors from San Fernando, Pampanga via "Live Traffic Feed." I'm pretty sure that it's my faithful friend - Harvey!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday MARCO!

I just attended Marco's 1st birthday - youngest son of my officemate. The party was well-attended. We enjoyed the yummy food and the beautiful venue. We also had fun watching the kids joining parlor games and laughing out loud...

I was with Arlene, Badong, Tita Julie and Quane. We shared table with Maricel and her two kids, Botchok and Pam. Teng, Lanlan, Jupiter, Ces, and Raffy came over, too. I've also seen some familiar faces of former employees of our company.

To: Mommy Claudeth and Daddy Mark.... Kudos!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Visit My New Blog!!!!

Each Day Counts

Each year has 365 days.
How you’ll invest each day is up to you.
Make each day count!!!

My 2nd blog is now showing...check it out!!! Just click the link "Each Day Counts," on the right side of my posts and under the title "Visit My Other Blog"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

no dull moments....

I was just reminiscing our "2006 Summer Vacation" at Balibago Island - the hometown of my father. I fondly call it, "Island of Desire."

I was with my two funny friends, none other than "Beteng and Dupong." They're both headturners, with their exotic look, large body built, and beautiful smiles.

It was a short escape from our normal life - inexpensive but lots of fun! And we're overwhelmed by the cordial reception of the island folks. For sure, there'll be a Part II....very soon!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"till my next return...."

My sister who’s working in Singapore came home for a 5-day vacation. We’re all surprised to see her again. Since she arrived, it’s always like a feast in our house. There’s delight in every one’s heart with my sister “Lala” around. It’s a short vacation but well spent with her family.

Saying goodbye is inevitable. There were times that I was already numb when a family member or friend would be leaving. Maybe, I'd just wanted to suppress my real emotion or I got used to it. Last Sunday, I didn’t cry when my sister left again. We just hugged and kissed each other. I heard her saying, “till my next return.”


Fiesta is a good time to bond with your family and relatives. It’s like a riot in our house as we eat together and exchange pleasantries with each other. Every year, we look forward to watching this colorful event in our barrio.

So I always have my digicam ready, to capture moments like these! I love taking pictures of my fast growing clan and the morning procession.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Samantha "Little Joyce"

I just received an e-mail from my sweet friend "Joyce" - with attached photo of her one and only daughter. I'm glad to see my lovely godchild, "Samantha." I quickly showed the picture to my mom and her remarks was, "she looks like Joyce."

One of my life's blessing is finding a second home in Joyce's family. Her parents, "Tita Precy and Tito Jimmy," are both warm and affectionate. I really appreciate their kindness, most especially, their prayers.

Thank you and I love your beautiful family!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Common Denominator

Beth is one of my good friends. Through her sister, Whia, who first became my friend, I got close to her.

A simple lady who’s an avid fan of Sharon Cuneta and now, a supporter of KC Concepcion. She loves to read novel and watch TV. She’s a woman of few words and a reliable friend.

We have a common denominator – we’re both single by fate! We may not be lucky in love but we’re lucky enough to have each other! I love you, Bethsheeba!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Real Friends...

I believe that true friends are being used by God to enrich our life. Fortunately, I found two of them in my workplace, they are:

Wilfred – fondly called as “Will,” a pet name suited to his personality. When he wants something, he has the will power to get it. Our friendship has grown deeper in a short period of time. This person is genuine - what you see is what you get from him! He’s vain but thoughtful. He’s an outstanding son, an affectionate brother, and a dependable friend.

Angela – her nickname should be “Angel” because she really knows how to care. She’s been through a lot in life but she maintained her poise and forgiving nature. I witnessed how she had easily recovered from the tragic loss of her home. I really admire her resilience. She is beautiful – in and out!

Thank God for the gift of friendship!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Instant Reward!

Me & Weng

Thank God, it’s Friday! It’s been a stressful week so I deserve a treat. I quickly ordered for a breakfast value meal at Tropical Hut. I also got one spaghetti for my friend, Maricel.

It’s a yummy meal ­- fried rice, egg, longganisa and brewed coffee…I’m already full but still craving for a chocolate cake. Surprisingly, after two hours, my good friend “Weng” gave me a chocolate cake. It really made my day.

How amazing to immediately receive the reward for your simple act of thoughtfulness!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Follow Your Heart…

This is a beautiful text message I received from my friend:

“Always remember that the longer you stay with the things you don’t really enjoy equates to every moment you lose with what could be a happy life.”

I envy those who’ve been employed in jobs that they really enjoy. I must admit, I wasn’t able to choose the right course in college. So I landed a job that is not related with my real passion – writing. However, regret is something I won’t entertain in my mind because it’s a waste of time.

Anyway, no one can stop me from expressing my thoughts. I may not be paid but the joy of sharing a part of your self is fulfilling. At this moment, I’m grateful because in a way, I have followed my heart. I’ve found an avenue to communicate my thoughts and feelings – MY BLOG!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Bestfriend

My Bestfriend with her Family

“Good Friends make us see what it means to be blessed by God.”

I’m always grateful for the gift of friendship. Single life is not easy but with support and prayers of my lifelong friends, it’s acceptable and worth living.

One of my best friends is Ailene, who now lives with her family in Arizona. Being thoughtful is one of her virtues. She never fails to send me birthday and Christmas cards every year. It’s touching how she always finds time to reach out in spite of her hectic life in a foreign land. She has mastered the way of living a simple and balanced life.

I do love my bestfriend and her wonderful family!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Value of Sufferings

Few days ago, I received a text from my friend. The message that struck me was:

“I won’t dare to question God for the reasons of my sufferings and anguish because I never tried to question Him whenever I feel happy and fortunate.”

There were instances in my life that I did question God. It’s when difficulties seem to weaken me. I felt guilty because my only focus was the problem. I was so proud that I’ve failed to look deeper into my imperfect human nature.

Our Lord is holy and perfect but He chose to live, suffer, and die for each one of us. How marvelous is His love!

I need to be more trusting to God. I need to give Him the freedom to change me and make me a better person through my own sufferings.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Achilles' heel?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines “Achilles’ heel” as a weak point. It came from the myth that Achilles was vulnerable only in the heel.

Like Achilles, we also have our weaknesses. We should look deeper into ourselves and should work harder on our weak spots. With faith and God’s grace, we can overcome our weaknesses and be triumphant in our life’s battle.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Read, read, read.....

I love to read but I’m a selective reader. I’m not the imaginative type so I seldom read novel or fiction. I tend to read lifestyle and showbiz magazine, self-help and inspirational books. I’m fascinated with the timeless message of a Hallmark card. I have great interest in people – how they’ve successfully and meaningfully lived their lives.

I prefer reading materials that are simply written and direct to the point. I always keep in mind that the purpose of a writer is to express and to get the message across. Otherwise, I won't give myself a hard time reading a complex book.

Let me introduce one of my favorite authors, Zig Ziglar, a celebrated motivator. I highly recommend his book entitled, “You Can Reach the Top.” It’s something you’d read over and over again. You may visit his website at

Enjoy reading!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Gift Suggestion...

I got this idea from my sister. Two years ago, she gave me a birthday present that she personally made. It was a collection of my wacky photos, beautifully laid out and framed. It was designed in a scrapbook style. When I saw her gift, I just burst out laughing. It’s one of the happiest moments in my life.

So it’s one of the gifts I have in mind when special occasion comes. It’s fulfilling how I can make a person happy through this simple work of art.

Why not try it out and surprise your loved ones!!!

I just made one for my cousin's only princess, "Kailani."

Friday, June 6, 2008

H.S. Reunion Batch '87

It’s our first High School Reunion! It's ten years after we graduated from our Alma Mater - Cainta Catholic School.

My funny friend, “Beteng,” warned us that, “we’d rather be overdressed than underdressed.” We did come in our best retro get up. It was timely because my uncle was in town. He made an overly retro top for me, and it’s for free! Suprisingly, I garnered the "Bagong Anyo Award."

There’s jamboree in our hearts as we exchange smiles with each other. Good to see our batch mates again!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Collection

Over the years, I’ve collected different kinds of bags. I find enjoyment whenever I can get one that I really like. I have varying taste when it comes to style, size and color. Of course, I knew my limits when it comes to price.

I’m lucky enough that I can own bags whose price is beyond what I can normally afford. These cool bags are gifts from friends and close relatives abroad. And I just say in jest, “Thank you to the TFC (The Filipino Channel) Subscribers.”

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Disclosure Policy

This blog is personally written and edited by me. It contains some of my personal thoughts and feelings that I would want to share to the readers.

Even though, I may accept compensation for my posts, I will always give my honest views and opinions on certain topics, products and services. And the content may not be always identified as paid or sponsored.

As the owner of this blog, I will express only my own thoughts and opinions.

This policy is valid from June 4, 2008.

Impulsive Spender?

Yes, I’m an impulsive spender. When I want something, I go out and get it. I’m the type who believes that I have to enjoy my hard-earned cash, but I’m also happy to share what I have to others. When I feel sad or depressed, I have tendency to spend lavishly even on trivial things. When I’m mending a broken heart, shopping lifts my spirit. It may be a temporary joy that I derive from material stuff but it keeps me going. Anyway, I’m a bonafide single – my usual alibi.

But this is to remind all guilty women out there, “it’s okay to shop but please spend below or within your means.”

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Baby Picture

It’s me! Five years ago, I showed this photo to my colleagues and I heard one of them saying,
“How I wish you didn’t grow up.” It’s insulting but it’s true. If I was just born today, you might see me in one of those TV commercials, featuring a baby in diaper. For sure, I’d be a perfect model.

I thanked my parents for bringing me to “Dennis Studio,” the only well-known studio in our province during that time. Otherwise, you’d miss the chance of seeing my sexy baby picture.

Monday, June 2, 2008

All About Me!

For the entire week, I’ll be featuring my irreplaceable self. I’m not Beyonce “the superstar” but you may find me interesting as I disclose a bit of my personality.

It’s my way of allowing the readers of my blog to get to know more about me. It’s also my way of thanking you for taking time out to visit my website. Even more, your comments are very much appreciated. It inspires me to write more and better each day.

Thank you so much!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weekend Duty....

It’s Sunday but I have to wake up as early as 5:30. Hurriedly, I got out of my bed, took a bath, fixed myself and left for work.

Now, I’m on board again. It’s quite boring but it’s less stressful. There’s no traffic on my way to work. I’m not harassed in answering calls because volume is normally light during weekend. In fact, I have the luxury of time to do other things while I’m on duty. I can pluck my eyebrows. I can chat with my officemates. I can listen to my favorite radio station. I can read. I can brush up my vocabulary. I can take a nap. I can text my friends. I can write for my blog. I can even meditate.

Yes, I may be deprived of the time to relax at home and bond with my family. However, I’m lucky because I’ll be paid for a one-day work with less pressure but more time to do my personal stuff. Isn’t it a combination of work and play?