Saturday, June 28, 2008

Don't Quit

Many times I fell...

but I rose and will rise again and again

who may not want an easy life -

a world free of troubles

The cliche,"problems are spices of life,"

seems meaningless thinking of the pains

felt by the human heart.

Storms in life have come my way

and I've overcome them...

It's because of strength - a grace which

I'm always asking from My Friend above

and to believe that the "only real failure

is to quit" enables me to continue live

and help live....

This was written in 1991. One of my first few compositions manually written in my notebook diary entitled "In My Moods." Before, I do write but I just write when I'm in the mood...And now, I don't only write for my blog out of my mood, but it has become my way of life since I started...

I feel it's about time to share some of my thoughts and feelings that I kept for years...It's about time to connect with others....It's about time to follow my real passion....It's about time to tell the world that, "I do care." It's about time to thank "My Family and Friends." It's about time to use my God-given talent and make a difference...It's about time to bring back all the praise and glory to "My Friend" above - the only reason why I "Don't Quit."

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